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Archives conferences & workshops
Year 2024:
- Design your home for digital humanities
- Impeded Circulations
- Workshop in Gender and Family Economics
- Utilitarianism Debated (1820-1880)
- The univers-city conferences : the person and his or her rights
- A beautiful painting? Aesthetic Canons and Pictorial Production in the Territories of the Spanish Crown (16th- 19th centuries)
- RISDeL'24
- Institutional discourses between extremization and reparation
- Electron and spin dynamics in correlated systems
- Using and Analysing Images to Investigate Childhood and Youth
- Burnout in different contexts
- Reading Kenneth White: Anthropoetry/anthropoiesis, experiencing the earth and the living
- 52nd National Conference of the GFP
- Inclusive Education in the Blended Intensive Program
- Fools as Artists ? Court Jesters in Modern Europe
- Considering the language(s): power and limitations
- 1st International Workshop on Edge Systems For Future Mobile Networks in conjunction with "The 20th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications"
- Non-canonical Amino Acids: Tools for Biolological and Biophysical Investigations
- Positionality in the Face of Sensitiveness: Constructing, Presenting, and Teaching one's Research
- Biological Active Matter
- 2nd Workshop on Gender Issues and Development
- Flexibility, learning and motivation: A tribute to the work of Evelyne Clément
- Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems
- Festival of Engineering
- Networks and Distributed Systems working group days dedicated to LPWANs networks
- World Congress of the Social Choice and Welfare Society
- 4th Youth Literature Biennial: Children's literature and transmedia cultures: creation, reception and mediation
- AGORA summer school : Open Science, Funding and future
- Franco-Singaporean Workshop on eXplainable & Actionable AI
- Of Precariousness
- Language and literature : Articulation(s) in teaching of French
- Transforming Homo Economicus
- Liliane Giraudon. Polyphonic fragments
- 4 ème JE : Festival des objets de la culture populaire
- Bridging theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of social dynamics
- 5th International Conference: Political Violences in the 20th century
- Workshop Gender and Family Economics
- Summer School: (In)stability phenomena in fluid mechanics
- Third Study Days on Mathematical Work (JETM3)
- 16th HISRECO Conference
- Inaugural Conference of the PopEco Network
- Territories, Societies and People Living in "The In-Between": From Antiquity to the Present Day
- Workshop on Artificial Intellgence applied to Extreme Narratives Dection in the Online Discourse AI4EN
- Proportionality and law : expectations versus realities
- Sensing Forest
- 16th conference of the GDR DynQua "Quantum Qynamics"
- Final conference of ERASMUS + PROJECT PACT4SKILLS
- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881): His lives and Afterlives. Celebrating the 220th anniversary of the birth of a Victorian iconoclast
- Ethics of Large Language Models: can AI learn virtue from humans, and vice versa?
- Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory
Year 2023:
- R2DIP 2023 young researchers symposium
- Thinking about (de)coloniality in Abya Yala/Americas: decolonial theories and practices
- Electron and spin dynamics in correlated systems
- NeuroAIDevRob 3rd edition : neurosciences, artificial intelligence, development and robotics
- Workshop on gender issues and development
- Ecole d'automne de l'IDHN
- Astronomy for Education in French-speaking World
- Quantum information: Theory and Applications
- Common gestures, rhythms and movements
- Thematic Days of the Electronics Section of the EEA Club
- Rethinking Neoliberalism on Screen
- Action, Inaction Climate Change
- 23rd GFPP meeting
- Monitoring and rehabilitation of existing structures
- CUT-UPS@2023
- Workshop : 200 years of the Monroe Doctrine
- "At the spanish school". Research on the collections of Golden Age hispanic painting in France
- Louis de Broglie Conference 2023 : 100 years of matter waves
- Colloquium on innovative materials and buildings subjected to fire
- New Challenges at the Urban Periphery
- “Let me walk to the edge of genre” Ben Lerner’s Poetry, Fiction, criticism and artistic collaborations
- Presence of the Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn in contempory artistic creation.
- Workshop : 100 years after the publication of A Theory of Consumption (1923) by Hazel Kyrk
- Advances in Nonlinear Analysis and Nonlinear Waves, a conference in honor of Frank Merle
- Seminar: Antony Memboeuf
- The savages of the Enlightenment
- Construction(s) and reception(s) of science today
- 3rd Pop culture objects festival
- NetSci X 2023
Year 2022:
- IDHN Spring School: Applied Digital Humanities
- Pacheco’s Pen. The Master of Velázquez or the Art Theory
- Ce que l’Amérique latine dit à l’Europe : circulations, imaginaires, regards (et fantasmes)
- Shoshana Grossbard's conference on "Becker, Mincer, and Household Economics"
- Lacunes
- Challenges in active matter
- 1st SENERGYLAB Workshop on Recent Advances in Sensors and Energy driven Applications
- Research for inclusive Education
- Toward Repair of the Human Body # 2022 2nd International symposium on Biomaterials & Smart Systems Innovations for Healthcare Engineering
- Anarchist Perspectives in the Arts and Social Sciences: Questions and Debates on "Ungovernability"
- L’instruction en famille en France. Terrains inédits et regards renouvelés sur le homeschooling
- The Role of the Global South in Multilateralism
- From Animals to Animats: Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
- New directions in disordered systems. A conference in honor of Abel Klein (UC Irvine)
- Seventh Symposium of Study on Mathematical Work
- Workshop in Gender and Family Economics
- Telling Science, Drawing Science - TSDS#3
- Queer People under the Franco's Dictatorship
- Overlapping Ownership arrangements: Issues and Prospects
- Quantum Many-Body Physics in the presence of an environment
- The New European Cinema of Precarity
- A. V. Dicey (1835-1922) : Celebrating the centenary of the death of a British jurist, constitutionalist and political thinker
- War and its environmental legacies in museums and heritage sites: from invisibility to opportunities for engaging public audiences
- Rendez-vous en didactique : Mathématiques, Sciences
- Diverse Approaches to Hate Speech: Debates, Challenges, and controversies
- The interplay of complex and coherent dynamics in brain function
- e-Workshop : Thomas Fuchs
- Literature ← writing → Care, Health carers/Patients: what sort of narrative practices?
- France-Latin America: Literature and Humanities (1945-2020)
- The making of professionals in the socio-educational, social and medico-social sectors
- Electron and spin dynamics in 2D materials
- Feminine research in the field of Civil Engineering: Valorization and Reuse of Materials, Life Cycle Analysis, Bio Sourced Materials
Year 2021:
- Aggregation across disciplines: connections and frameworks
- Ecole d'Hiver de l'IDHN
- Economic Decisions and Social Preferences - in honour of Philippe Mongin
- Making history during dictatorships
- 2nd Pop culture objects festival
- Primary school in the 21st century
- Ecole d’automne de l’IDHN
- Artificial intelligence, mathematics and physics
- Fellows-in-Residence 2021 2022 Introductory Meeting
- Valorization And Reuse Of Wastes And Circular Economy
- Short-circuits and Fused Visions: The Works and Networks of Claude Pélieu
- 2nd French-Chinese Forum on Materials and Structures of Civil Engineering
- e-Workshop : Circulation of Economic Knowledge in the 20th Century: A Transdisciplinary Outlook
- Bâtiments et ouvrages en BETON, Monuments historiques en PIERRE, comportement du matériau en situation d'incendie
- e-Workshop : Digital Pinocchio - Face and Fake in Contemporary E-Technological Societies
- ICT-2020 International Conference of Thinking
- 3ème Biennale de littérature de jeunesse. La médiation autour du livre de jeunesse en Europe au XXIème siècle
- L’auteur en question
- Music (s) in the literary and artistic creation of the French-speaking Black Atlantic
- National Histories and Minority Narratives at School
- E-Workshop : Enacting Meaningful Worlds: Perspectives and Methods
- Geothermal Winter School 2021
- Inhomogeneous Random Systems
- AstroEdu-FR
Year 2020:
- Inhomogeneous Random Systems 2020
- AFLA Annual Symposium
- Second spring school of Digital Humanities
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in Cergy Paris, Singapore, and Warwick
- New Results on Time Series and their Statistical Applications
- CY-McGill Mathematical Physics Weekly Digital Seminar on Quantum Control
- Pratiques inclusives, pratiques artistiques ? Art Handicap Altérités
- Le Traître en Politique : profils, parcours et représentations
Year 2019:
- Non stationary days
- European conference on risk perception
- Springtime school for digital humanities
- Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics - A Conference in honor of Francois Dunlop
- Learning spaces: inheritance / innovation
- University for Artists
- Whither Republicanism? Theory and practice in the contemporary Anglosphere
- Telling Science, Drawing Science #2
- The possibilities and obstacles of a political Europe
- Du GATT à l’OMC : quelle place pour les pays du Sud ?
- Deliberation, Belief Aggregation, and Epistemic Democracy II
- Festival of Popular Culture Objects
- Politics of Happiness?
- Study day for doctoral students and young doctors in language sciences - sociolinguistics and didactics -
- Electronic Transport and dynamics in graphene and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
- “Interface Properties in Organic and Hybrid Electronics: Key Challenges” (IPOE2019)
- IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
- Applied Inverse Problems - AIP 2019
- 16th European conference on organized film, ECOF
- CMC-Corpora 2019: 7th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora
- Knowledge and power in a polycentric world
- Special conference Mirko Degli Esposti
- Women, migration and aging in the Americas, 19th-21th centuries
- Symposium « Noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs): tools for biological and biophysical investigations»
- Journée de recherche - Actualité des pratiques pédagogiques dans les classes et écoles différentes : bricolage, hybridations, appropriations...
- Measuring the footprint of a cultural place on a territory: observing, representing, evaluating
- A crisis in history teaching in Europe?
- Reading litterature at school, work and extract
- Reading litterature at school, work and extract
- La culture de la compliance dans le secteur public
- Robotics and Neuroscience: Models of Cognitive Development and Learning Mechanisms
- Archiscola 2019 : Concours International d’Idées : Lycée et Internat du Futur
- Evolution dans le temps des propriétés et de la durabilité des pierres des monuments anciens en interaction avec leur environnement
- Thiéfaine par les textes
Year 2018:
- World relations - ethical questions
- Plain language for law : jurilinguistic and discursive challenges
- « Politics and research with », a francophone and interdisciplinary initiative
- Workshop on "New perspectives for low-temperature refrigeration with advanced magneto caloric materials"
- Research Show
- Workshop on Deliberation, Belief Aggregation, and Epistemic Democracy
- Conference on non stationarity
- Improving Convergence of Iterative Decoders using Neural Networks
- Desorption energies (and related processes) from astrophysical surfaces
- Cergy-Warwick Workshop on Mathematical Physics
- Materials and high temperature
- Wokshop Laser instrumentation dedicated to heritage
- Geographical Space and its Logistical governance
- Quantum Information, communication and computing: advances in theory and implementations
- 12th History of Recent Economics Conference (HISRECO)
- Oxygen in Space
- Espace Mathématique Francophone – EMF 2018
- European Conference on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments
- COMMUNITAS – Words of the Common, Words of Community
- Epistemologies and Methodologies [in Law] from Postcolonial Perspectives
- Electron and spin dynamics in correlated systems