General Overview

Residency programmes fundings and calls

CY Advanced Studies hosts long-stays Fellows. They benefit from a double attachment: to CY Advanced Studies, where they participate in interdisciplinary exchanges and transversal scientific activities (fellows seminar, guest lectures, etc.) and to one of the departments or research centers of the CY Initiative institutions, in connection with their disciplinary research programme. 
Fellows are hosted in the framework of several programmes, through specific calls for applications, including the CYAS Fellows-in-Residence programmeEUTOPIA-Science and Innovation Fellowships (SIF) programme and Fulbright-CY Initiative programme.

Visiting scholars fundings and calls

CY Advanced Studies welcomes visiting researchers for less than one month stays in the framework of a scientific project carried out in collaboration with CY Alliance researchers.  Researchers can also participate in scientific activities organised by CY Advanced Studies as guests of the Institute.    
These invitations are funded through different programmes and calls for applications: the CY Advanced Studies annual call and the CY Alliance programme.  

Scientific events fundings and calls

CY Advanced Studies funds scientific events organised by CY research centers in the framework of its annual call.
Scientific events can take place at the Maison internationale de la recherche and participants can stay at the International Research Guesthouse.