Published on February 13, 2021–Updated on July 12, 2022
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Learning spaces: inheritance / innovation
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The workshop is organised by the members of the ApprES project located at Gennevilliers in the University of Cergy-Pontoise.
Partners and financial support are the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), the EMA research center, the ESPE, the ApprES project, the Fondation of the university of Cergy-Pontoise and the university of Caen in Basse-Normandie.
Generally, we don’t ask a lot of questions about the very familiar spaces of classrooms and schools. It is mainly in relation to student learning and control that these spaces are organized around a model invented in the middle of the 19th century. It was a way to respond to a new organization of education. This geographical model is based on the multiplication of class spaces which are themselves organized with a system of rows oriented towards the teacher.
This detour through the history of education highlights a relationship between the configuration of places where we learn and the way we learn. It is this relationship that we would like to explore on the one hand by going beyond the classroom to look at all places of learning, on the other hand by considering the learning extensively : social learning or learning outside the school field.
This relation raises the question of the adequacy of spaces to contemporary modes of learning: a question that takes on a particular dimension when we compare the stability of school spatial forms (in and out of the classroom) and the low investment of the institution in this area.
The goal of this event is to sketch an inventory of research and experimentation on this subject. By bringing together persons who are sensitive to the issue of learning spaces, we also want to generate dynamics and allow these actors to consider collaborations.