Published on May 26, 2021–Updated on February 8, 2022
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16th European conference on organized film, ECOF
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Venue: Centre universitaire des Saints-Pères (université Paris Descartes), Paris
Paris has been chosen by the international committee of european conferences on organized films for the organization of the next ECOF conference in 2019. This major event gathers every 2/3 years since 1986 about 130 researchers and phD students from the five continents. It has however been held only once in France, in 1988, although french research teams in this area are widely recognized at the european and international levels and the topics of organized films have many industrial applications (surface treatment, adhesion, emulsions, biosensors, nanosciences…). The organizing committee of this conference consists of a pluridisciplinary group of scientists from the Ile-de-France and gathers physicists, chemists, engineers, biologists and pharmacists from 4 Ile-de-France universities (Paris Descartes, Sorbonne University, Paris-Saclay university and Cergy-Pontoise university), the CEA Saclay and SOLEIL synchrotron. This event in the Ile de France region aims at being a platform of scientific exchanges for the wide international community associated to this thematic. This conference holds from 8 to 12 july 2019 at the Centre universitaire des Saints-Pères (Paris Descartes university), in Paris.