Published on May 22, 2021–Updated on February 8, 2022
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Inhomogeneous Random Systems 2020
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Venue: Institut Curie in partnership with the Research Center MAP5 - Université de Paris
The aim of this annual workshop, in conjunction with the "Journées de Physique Statistique" (30-31 January), is to bring together mathematicians and physicists working on disordered or random systems, and to discuss recent developments on themes of common interest. Each day is devoted to a specific topic. The workshop is hosted by Institut Curie, next to Institut Henri Poincaré.
The themes, moderators and speakers 2020 are:
"Logarithmically correlated random fields": Nathanaël Berestycki (Vienna), Antoine Jego (Vienna), Janne Junnila (Lausanne), Ellen Powell (Zurich), Avelio Sepulveda (Lyon), Vincent Vargas (Paris), Christian Webb (Helsinki), Ofer Zeitouni (Rehovot).
"Emergent CFTs in statistical mechanics and condensed matter": Alessandro Giuliani (Rome), Federico Camia (Abu Dhabi), Dmitry Chelkak (Paris), Clément Hongler (Lausanne), Jesper Jacobsen (Paris), Vieri Mastropietro (Milano), Slava Rychkov (Bures).