from May 27, 2024 to May 31, 2024
Published on April 22, 2024 Updated on January 27, 2025

Summer School: (In)stability phenomena in fluid mechanics

Venue: Maison Internationale de la Recherche (MIR), Neuville-sur-Oise

Summer School coordinated by Charles Collot et Christophe Prange, CY Cergy Paris Université.
This summer school will address recent directions about stability and instability phenomena in mathematical fluid mechanics.
The seven speakers all achieved landmark results that in particular aim at laying rigorous grounds for the study of hydrodynamic turbulence: singularity formation, non uniqueness and Onsager's conjecture, boundary layers, inviscid damping, weak turbulence, vortices and patterns. Tarek Elgindi (Duke University), Hao Jia (University of Minnesotta), Phillip Isett (California Institute of Technology), and Sameer Iyer (University of California at Davis) will give each a five hours course on their recent achievements. Isabelle Gallagher (École Normale Supérieure de Paris), Emmanuel Grenier (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) and Zineb Hassainia (New York University in Abu Dhabi) will give one hour presentations of theirs. This event will gather researchers and graduate students from European countries and further abroad, to meet and focus during one week on this latest important developments in mathematical hydrodynamics.

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