Published on May 22, 2021–Updated on February 8, 2022
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Pratiques inclusives, pratiques artistiques ? Art Handicap Altérités
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Venue: CY Cergy Paris Université - INSPE-CY, Gennevilliers
This symposium proposes to examine cultural, artistic and corporal practices from the perspective of issues related to inclusion. Which concrete modalities allow the social participation of everyone? Which effects does an inclusive process have on creation, and an artistic or cultural practice on the inclusive process? Are people with disabilities always a figure of otherness?
This symposium has for originality to implement a transversal questioning to different fields, educational, training, artistic and scientific. It will allow the meeting between researchers and actors from the artistic world, culture and the field of disability, (people with disabilities, professionals, relatives, etc.), to question the political dimension and the concrete aspects of the initiatives outlined.
Conferences, a round table and stories of experiences will guide a reflection on artistic and inclusive issues from the point of view of practices. Artistic workshops accompanied by small groups will allow to feel them.