Published on May 23, 2021–Updated on July 15, 2022
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Thiéfaine par les textes
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Venue: Maison de la Recherche, Paris
In 2016, we published a first collection of explorations of the work of Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine entitled "Thiéfaine, underground poetry", published by RKI Press. This book was composed of analyzes on various aspects of the work (among others: the figures of woman, the humor, the presence of the death in the texts, the question of the public, etc.). It was the first work to consider from the angle of a "scholarly" criticism - researchers from the academic world - the work of the singer and his specific contribution to French poetry.
However, it failed to bring the investigation directly to the texts themselves, considering them this time not in the whole biographical, thematic or sociological of the whole work, but studied for themselves, in the unity of meaning that each song-poem presents. This is what we propose to do today, by analyzing the lyrics of several songs of the emblematic singer, to get into the details of some texts that have marked the career of Thiefaine.