Venue: Villa Finally, Florence, Italy
This conference is held in honor of François Dunlop who made important contributions in rigorous statistical mechanics, in particular to the fields of phase transitions, metastability and entropic repulsion, which are recurrent themes in the modeling of large systems.
The domains of applications are those of statistical physics, but also extend to other domains such as stochastic partial differential equations or population genetics and dynamics.
The conference will cover a large spectrum, reflecting the scientific activity of François Dunlop. The talks will be at the interface between statistical physics and probability, with a particular attention to important recent results.
List of invited speakers:
Stefan Adams (Warwick), Alessandra Bianchi (Padova), Oriane Blondel (Lyon), Nicoletta Cancrini (L' Aquila), Emilio Cirillo (Roma), Pierre Collet (Palaiseau), Loren Coquille (Grenoble), Ivan Corwin (New York), Anna De Masi (L’Aquila), Béatrice de Tilière (Paris), Alessandra Faggionato (Roma), Hubert Lacoin (Rio de Janeiro), Roberto Livi (Firenze), Christian Maes (Leuven), Fabio Martinelli (Roma), Stefano Olla (Paris), Elisabetta Scoppola (Roma), Senya Shlosman (Marseille), Aernout van Enter (Groningen).
Organization committee:
Thierry Gobron (Physique Théorique et Modélisation, Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Francesca R. Nardi (Mathematics, University of Florence, Italy)
Pierre Picco (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille),
Ellen Saada (Mathématiques appliquées, Université Paris 5)
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