from November 8, 2018 to November 9, 2018
Published on May 23, 2021 Updated on July 15, 2022

European Conference on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments

The European Conference on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments, November 8-9, 2018 at the MIR

The third edition of the European conference on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments (ECBSM) is organized to provide an overview of the hot topics related to monument colonisation and biodeterioration by living organisms.

The ECBSM2018 is co-organized by the University of Cergy-Pontoise, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, and the University of Milan.

The ECBSM2018 is an opportunity to bring together researchers, restorers and industrial experts working on biodeterioration of stone monuments.

The conference will cover the following topics:

 - Agents and mechanisms of biodeterioration of stone monuments in outdoor and confined environments.

 - Stone, concrete, wood, glass and other materials constituting stone monuments.

 - Ecology of stone monuments.

 - Innovative and non-invasive technologies applied to the study and conservation of stone monuments.

 - Assessment and monitoring of stone monuments.

 - Biocide resistance of subaerial biofilms.

-  Biodeterioration and climate change.

- Heritage Education for Heritage Conservation.

 Participants will be kindly invited to submit a full text research or review paper related to their presentation for publication in a special issue of “Annals of Microbiology“, Springer.

Coordinator: Patrick Di Martino

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