from December 3, 2024 to December 4, 2024
Published on November 12, 2024 Updated on January 27, 2025

Institutional discourses between extremization and reparation

Location: Genoa, Italy.

International meeting coordinated by Julien Longhi, CY Research center AGORA.

The profound economic and social transformations of the contemporary world, coupled with a radical shift in communication practices due to the massive use of digital communication environments, foremost among them social media, have brought to light a proliferation of extremist narratives targeting the most fragile (or weakened) members of society. A two-fold question arises: on the one hand, how can institutional discourse (of various kinds: academic, legal, administrative, scientific, medical...) cope with the daily hate speech that often spreads uncontrollably? And at the same time: can we identify traces of a process of extremization in institutional discourse? If so, what are they and how can we identify them? The conference aims to interrogate these two dynamics - the production of extremist narratives from institutional positions, and the institutional counter-narratives that can counter extremist discourses - through the analysis of enunciative, discursive and rhetorical-argumentative strategies, with a particular focus on the “new discourses” of institutional communication on social media.

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