from July 8, 2024 to July 9, 2024
Published on April 22, 2024 Updated on January 27, 2025

Networks and Distributed Systems working group days dedicated to LPWANs networks

Venue: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau

International conference coordinated by Juan Angel Lorenzo del Castillo, ETIS laboratory.
The LPWAN days ( are a scientific event with a focus on low power-long distance communications. They are an instance of the GDR RSD annual gatherings and this year they will take place in Pau. The term LPWAN (Low-Power Wide Area Network) is considered here in its broad sense, and includes technologies such as LoRa, LTE-M, NB-IoT, Mioty, 802.11ah, etc. With increasingly large deployments, non-terrestrial communications are also areas of great interest for these LPWAN days. The general theme of these days is around LPWANs in general. The particular focus of the days will include the following points:
  • discuss and explore the challenges in the design, development and deployment of LPWAN networks,
  • identify current scientific and technical needs,
  • discuss the latest results obtained,
  • create an environment conducive to future collaborations.
In addition, the following issues (non-exhaustive) will also be addressed:
  • modeling, simulation and prototyping of LPWAN networks,
  • evaluation of LPWAN performance: reliability, scalability, etc.
  • the design of protocols adapted to LPWAN,
  • data security and confidentiality in LPWAN networks,
  • localization and tracking with LPWAN technologies,
  • new architectures for the Internet of Things (e.g. satellite Internet of Things, Edge Computing),
  • standardization efforts,
  • management of data servers located in the cloud (e.g. TTN, LoRaServer, etc.).