on June 12, 2019
Published on February 13, 2021 Updated on July 12, 2022

Festival of Popular Culture Objects



Venue: ESPE - Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Site Hirsch

Collaboration in April 2019 at UQAM, Festival of Popular Culture Objects. Actors and professionals working in prevention and the fight against dropping out are invited to participate and exchange. In the bill submitted to the UCP Foundation (PrevDé'Jeunes) and with MEVO that of the Ile de France region, we plan to organize in the laboratory BONHEURS a work on a work to make visible on the work of the learning, youth relocation activities are also used for learning. This day of collaboration took place in Cergy-Pontoise, on June 12th or 13th, 2019 (the date and the place are being finalized with our partners), it is the communication of a part of our results, the visibility of the actions companies through objects recovered and / or built, meeting with scientists analyzes carried in the project to strengthen the knowledge built (Vergnaud, Weil-Barais, Retschitzki). Engagement with young people, through the scientific and technical knowledge of objects (Vygotski, Rabardel). These analyzes allow us to create a material available for different future actions: to propose a MOOC, to design a didactic content on the site of the Chair.

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