from July 8, 2019 to July 12, 2019
Published on May 26, 2021 Updated on February 8, 2022

Applied Inverse Problems - AIP 2019


08.07.2019 - 12.07.2019

Venue: Grenoble, France

Inverse problems bring mathematics and computational science to the heart of very active multidisciplinary research that arises from a large variety of applications, such as medical imaging, imaging in geophysics and astrophysics, nondestructive testing, remote sensing, image processing, and data mining. Inverse problems also involve a rich variety of mathematical topics, such as harmonic analysis, asymptotic analysis, partial differential equations, control theory, optimization, numerical analysis, statistics, and machine learning.

The Applied Inverse Problems (AIP) conference series is one of the main scientific meetings of the field, organized by the Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA) every two years. The Grenoble conference is the tenth in the series.

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