Gender, memory and sources
Location: Université Jean Monnet (Saint Etienne)
International meeting coordinated by Blandine Demotz from Héritagesresearch center.
The young researchers belonging to the junior research laboratory GRAPHÉ and to the research structure ALLHiS are
collaborating to organize two scientific events at Université Jean Monnet, in Saint-Étienne, in 2025. In a first event, the
participants will question Gender, memory and sources and explore how written and oral sources can be manipulated,
especially in regard to memorial speech, in a gendered approach. This first event will take place on April 10th and April
11th, 2025. Another event, entitled “Shaping the world : language and action”, will then take place in October 2025 and
question the agentivity of language and how it is used and featured in sources. Both events will welcome international
researchers and aim at sparking debate among various disciplines, temporalities, spaces and scientific approaches, so
as to sketch out plural analyses on discourse and action.