Published on February 16, 2021 Updated on February 8, 2022

Thematic cycle "Complexity"


Advanced courses, conferences and seminars on the modeling of behaviors and interactions

Organized in partnership with   labex MME-DII and Fondation pour la Modélisation en Economie.labex

Coordinators : 
Laura Hernandez - LPTM
Marius Ochea - THEMA
Alessandro Torcini - LPTM

A Thematic Cycle on Complexity will take place in 2018 at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of Cergy-Pontoise University. It aims at providing to UCP researchers dealing with complex systems in their own disciplinary field, with the opportunity to discuss their experiences and methods. It will also be the occasion to bring together local and international experts in the different involved disciplines. This thematic cycle is developed in the framework of the national ISITE project related to Complexity studies, recently awarded to Cergy-Pontoise University.

It is generally admitted that a complex system is composed of a large number of constituents holding non-linear interactions which show multi-scale self-organizing phenomena. With such definition, it clearly appears that problems related to complex systems are intrinsically interdisciplinary, as proven by the numerous institutes devoted to a multi-disciplinary study of complexity that have been created all around the world [1].

Our university hosts various teams issued from different disciplines, working on systems having these characteristics. As examples, one can cite the study of phase transitions,  turbulences, or synchronization problems in Physics; the models of financial, import-export, centralized or decentralized markets, or the study of risk assessment and management in Economy; the studies of opinion formation and the influence of new on-line media on the off-line events in Sociology, the research on urban dynamics and mobility or the emergence of centralities within suburban territories in Geography, the studies of host-pathogen systems, or the interaction of complex molecules and biomaterials in Biology, the multi-scale studies of rock deformation and alteration in Geology, the integration of multimedia data or the studies on neuro-cybernetics in Computer Sciences, among so many others.

The kickoff event of this cycle is an invited seminar by Professor Roberto Livi, previous holder of the IEA International Research Chair 2011, taking place on January 30th 2018.

All around the year, the Thematic Cycle will propose:

  • Cross disciplinary courses: they are aimed at an interdisciplinary public, and are open to students (master level) and researchers interested in learning practical methods and tools devoted to the study of complex systems.
  • Specific courses: these short courses will address a specific topic in complex systems. Starting from the state of the art on the chosen topic, they aim at presenting the recent advances on the domain.
  • Interdisciplinary conference « Transversal problems on Complexity », it will be held on May 23rd and 24th 2018, and will bring together internationally renowned keynote speakers and local researchers specialized on different aspects of complexity.
  • International Research Workshop:  “Extreme Dynamics on Networks”, to be held on May 25th 2018.  Its aim is to bring together local and international researchers in order to prepare an interdisciplinary project, to apply to the ITN-EJD-MSCA, 2019 call.
  • Specific conference: « New Insights in Complex Neural Dynamics”, to be held on June 2018.
  • Periodic seminars and mini-symposia: All along the year, there will be either seminars given by  recognized experts in the chosen field, open to a large scientific public,  or mini-symposia, gathering several experts in order to hold a deeper discussion on the chosen topic. 
Inaugural seminar of the thematic cycle on Complexity

Seminar of Professor Roberto Livi, Universita' di Firenze (Italy)

During this inaugural seminar, Professor Livi will present his most recent results on neuromorphic circuits.

Prof Livi is a leading expert in complex systems, who has worked in field as different as statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics and biological modeling. In the last year his research has been mainly devoted to neural network dynamics and heat transport. Recently he has written a book on "Nonequilibrium statistical physics" with Paolo Politi. In 2011, he held the International Visiting Chair at the IAS.

In his inaugural seminar, Professor Livi will present his most recent results on neuromorphic circuits. The talk wil have a general introduction suited
for scientists working in complex systems, as well as for PhD students and Master students at their last year of study.

Date : Tuesday January 30th, from 1:30pm to 3pm. 
Location : Maison internationale de la recherche, Neuville-sur-Oise. Plan d'accès

Title of the contribution: "Complex dynamics in neuromorphic circuits"

Abstract Neural population made of inhibitory and excitatory units exhibit complex collective dynamics when they are organized according to suitable circuits. In particular, amplification and synchronization mechanisms may emerge as purely noise driven effects: These results disclose new perspectives in the design of neuromorphic circuits performing specific tasks, like, signal categorization and detection.

Advance training Thematic cycle "complexity"


Ces cours sur la thématiques de la complexité sont ouverts à tous et ils débuteront en janvier

1 - Complex Networks, theory and applications

Information et inscription :

Laura Hernandez :

2 - Introduction to the chaotic systems 

Information et inscription :

Alessandro Torcini :

3 - Introduction to information theory ans its applications

Information et inscription :

Floria Koukiou :

Synchronization and Transport in Complex Systems


March 26th, 2018 - Maison de la Recherche , Neuville-sur-Oise

The LABEX MME DII and the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Cergy-Pontoise promote one day meeting on collective phenomena emerging in complex systems within the activity of the Thematic Cycle on Complexity "2018"

The meeting will address subjects in areas ranging from statistical physics to biology, from applied mathematics to computational neuroscience. In particular, the speakers will present specific talks on active matter (e.g. on cell migration and on dynamics of bacterial suspensions), as well as on neural systems (on seizure propagation in the brain and on synchronization of neural networks) and on transport in oscillator chains and in random graphs. The presentation of the subjects will allow participants from different disciplines to profit of the proposed talks.

For registration and more details see

Transversal problems in Complexity

23.05.2018 - 24.05.2018

Conference organized by Laura Hernandez from the LPTM laboratory and Marius Ochea from the THEMA laboratory, May 23 & 24 at the MIR in Neuville-sur-Oise

The objective of this conference is to provide a space for discussion on the issues, practices, and methodological, mathematical, and computational tools related to the study of complex systems. It is a deliberately interdisciplinary meeting, open to researchers interested in complexity, whatever their field of research may be.

Young researchers and students from second-year Masters upwards are welcome to attend, to discover a relatively large overview of research on complexity, and to meet major players in the field at a national and international level.

Organizers:  Laura Hernandez and Marius Ochea

Information and registration

Maison Internationale de la Recherche, Neuville-sur-Oise 

Access Map

Congress InSpire – New Insights on Complex Neural Dynamics

06.06.2018 - 08.06.2018

The LABEX MME DII and the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Cergy-Pontoise within the activity of the Thematic Cycle on "Complexity 2018" promote an international conference on neuroscience from June 6th to June 8th, 2018 entitled:

InSpire -- New Insights on Complex Neural Dynamics


The LABEX MME DII and the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Cergy-Pontoise within the activity of the Thematic Cycle on Complexity "2018" promote an international conference on neuroscience from June 6th to June 8th, 2018 entitled:

InSpire -- New Insights on Complex Neural Dynamics

to be held at the Maison Internationale de la Recherche (Neuville-sur-Oise).

This workshop  will represent an opportunity to bring together views from experimental and computational neuroscientists as well as experts in the dynamics of complex systems.
A common aim is to improve the knowledge of the mechanisms underlying neural activity in the brain.

The meeting will be open and free of charge only for the PhD students and researchers affiliated with the University of Cergy-Pontoise and/or with LABEX MME DII, however registration is mandatory within May, 27th, 2018.

Please, register using this link :

More information here:

Maison internationale de la recherche, Neuville-sur-Oise : How to come

Complex Systems Meeting

08.10.2018 - 09.10.2018

This meeting aims to bring together scientists working on Complex Systems at Paris Seine, Warwick University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The main scope is to find common research interests to develop future collaborations towards the establishment of a European University

Venue: Maison internationale de la recherche


Advance training 2019

03.12.2018 - 31.01.2019

Ces cours sur la thématiques de la complexité sont ouverts à tous et ils débuteront en janvier 2019

1 - Complex Networks, theory and applications

Information et inscription

Laura Hernandez :

2 - Introduction to the chaotic systems 

Information et inscription

 Alessandro Torcini :

3 - Introduction to classical and quantum information

Information et inscription

 Floria Koukiou :