on July 10, 2018
Published on May 22, 2021 Updated on July 12, 2022

Guest Lecture: Richard C.Schmidt


The Multi-Scaled Character of Natural Interpersonal Coordination Dynamics

Richard C. Schmidt est professeur en psychologie expérimentale au College de Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, USA, invité par le laboratoire ETIS

Past research has demonstrated that stabilities exhibited by interpersonal rhythmic synergies can be successfully modeled by simple universal synchronization dynamic equations.  This research has used these models to help understand the dynamical and perceptual constraints on those synergies as well as suggest how their relative stability may be used as a biomarker for psychological disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. However, the coordinated sinusoidal rhythmic movements evaluated in this research are simpler than the movements and coordination seen in natural joint actions. Naturally occurring interpersonal coordination seems to be characterized more by intermittent coupling of serially ordered stabilities occurring at different time scales. The intermittency and time-scale nesting of the interpersonal coordination in naturally occurring rhythmic synergies necessitate new and more complex dynamical modeling be pursued. Understanding the nature of this multi-scaled dynamics is necessary for not only understanding interpersonal coordination’s breakdown in pathology but also for developing artificial agents that can interact with humans in a natural fashion.

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Day: Tuesday, July 10, from 12:30 to 14:00

Venue: Maison internationale de la recherche, Neuville-sur-Oise.