from April 18, 2023 to April 19, 2023
Published on February 8, 2023 Updated on March 4, 2024

Construction(s) and reception(s) of science today


International conference coordinated by Béatrice Mabilon-Bonfils, CY BONHEURS laboratory.
The international colloquium "Construction(s) and reception(s) of science today" will be inaugurated by 4 major conferences with Edgar MORIN, Etienne KLEIN, Jean-Marc LEVY-LEBLOND and Raphaël LIOGIER. It is an opportunity to bring together researchers on a socially vivid question that the context of the pandemic has brought to light in a new way. Nevertheless, it is more widely a historical, epistemological and social question.
What is science? What is research? Can a scientific discipline be defined by its object, by its method or by the practice of its researchers? Does the objectivation of a knowledge pass by the definition of one or several objects specific to a scientific discipline, as much in the hard sciences as in the social sciences, in the sciences of the Center as in the sciences of the Periphery?
Is there an interest in scientific knowledge? Who is interested in scientific knowledge? To what extent can science be instrumentalized by decision makers? Are there any safeguards?
It is divided into 4 thematic axes:
Axis 1: The production of science between conflicts and consensus
Axis 2: The reception of science: didactic transpositions, practical transpositions, media transpositions and political transpositions
Axis 3: Alternative modalities of diffusion/sharing of science
Axis 4: Research show: How to share research knowledge?

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