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Visiting Scholars 2024
- Dario BARRIERA, National University of Rosario - Argentina
- Gwenaëlle BAUVOIS, Tampere University - Finland
- Francesco BASCHIERI, Medical University of Innsbruck - Autriche
- Ahmed Abderraouf BELKADI, Université de Bordj Bou Arreridj - Algeria
- Isabeau BIRINDELLI, University "La Sapienza" Rome 1 - Italy
- Veaceslav COROPCEANU, University of Arizona - USA
- Glaucia Maria DALFRE, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brazil
- Thanh Tang DANG, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Demetrio DA SILVA FILHO, University of Brasilia - Brazil
- Anton DIGNÖS, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Italy
- Armand DJOSSOU, University of Lokossa - Benin
- Michèle FARAGE, Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Brazil
- Brian FAULKNER, Milwaukee's School of Engineering - USA
- Jesus Victoria FLORES SALAZAR, Université Pontificale Catholique du Pérou - Peru
- Adel FRANCIS, CMRDI - Egypt
- Kilani GHOUDI, United Arab Emirates University - United Arab Emirates
- Pedro GOMES, Birkbeck University of London, United Kingdom
- Trung-Khen HOANG, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi - Vietnam
- Oleksandr HUSEV, Tallin University of Technology - Estonia
- Théa IONESCU, Babes-Bolyai University - Romania
- Markus JANTTI, Stockholm University - Sweden
- Larbi KACIMI, University of Oran - Algeria
- Jouda Jemaa KHABTHANI, Science Faculty of Tunis - Tunisia
- Abdessatar KHELIFI, University of Carthage - Tunisia
- Candy LAURENDON, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Brazil
- Fabiana LEONI, University of Rome - Italy
- Alessia LO TURCO, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona - Italy
- Giovanni MAGLIA, University of Groningen - The Netherlands
- Marcelline Blanche MANJIA, University of Yaoundé - Cameroon
- Jonathan MASSERA, Tampere University - Finland
- Tigran MELKONYAN, Université of Alabama - USA
- Marcela MORVIDONE, ITECA - Argentina
- Poupeh MISSAGHI, University of Denver - USA
- Valéria NACITI, University of Messina - Italy
- Heino Bohn NIELSEN, University of Copenhagen - Danemark
- Simona OLMI, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Italy
- Kolawole Adisa OLONADE, University of Lagos, Nigeria
- Shilpa PAL, Delhi Technological University - India
- Giuseppe PAPPALARDO, CNR - Italy
- Afsata PARE KABORE, Université Norbert Zongo - Burkina Faso
- Ashley PIGGINS, University of Galway, Ireland
- Rudolf Andreas ROEMER, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- Maria Carmen RUIZ DELGADO, University of Malaga - Spain
- Gaston SAUX, University of Buenos Aires - Argentina
- Giosepina SABATINO, CNR - Italy
- Antonia SAGONA, Université of Warwick - United Kingdom
- Diego SBARDELLA, IRCCS - Italy
- Valério SIGNORELLI, University College London - United Kingdom
- Iveta SILOVA, Arizona State University - USA
- Viera SKAKALOVA, Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Academy of Science - Slovakia
- Dmitri SOKOLOVSKI, Université du Pays Basque - Spain
- Bertrand TCHANTCHO, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Yaoundé - Cameroon
- Hong-Hao TU, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Germany
- Stefan WESSEL, Aachen University, Germany