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Published on February 18, 2022– Updated on March 7, 2022
Filippo BOERI
London School of Economics, London - UK
Visiting Scholar invited by ESSEC Business School
Curriculum Vitae
by promoting a better understanding of the widely perceived injustice that characterises modern
societies and providing policy-makers with relevant insights for the design of digital transformation
Visiting Scholar invited by ESSEC Business School
Curriculum Vitae
Research project
ICT and Wage Inequality
Over the last decades, information and communication technologies (ICT) have deeply transformed almost every aspect of our society. The Covid-19 pandemics is likely to further accelerate the adoption of ICT by firms and households. This project aims to investigate the relation between new technologies and income inequality, analysing the mechanisms through which ICT adoption affects the allocation and compensation of workers across and within firms. Furthermore, this study aims to analyse the propagation of technological shocks across overlapping labour markets, defined in a continuum of space and occupational distance. The research project is characterised by an innovative methodology, applied to a unique set of micro-datasets. The project will contribute to the public debate on spatial disparities,by promoting a better understanding of the widely perceived injustice that characterises modern
societies and providing policy-makers with relevant insights for the design of digital transformation