on September 2, 2024
Published on June 10, 2024 Updated on June 17, 2024

Fellows announcement 2024-2025

France 2030
France 2030
CYAS is very pleased to announce the 2024-2025 cohorte of fellows:

Raphaël Cahen (Giessen university, DE), associate fellow. International law.
Aurica Farcas (Petru Poni Insitute, RO), fellow-in-residence. Molecular architectures.
Giovanni Forni (Maryland university, US and CYU), fellow-in-residence. Dynamical systems.
John-Erik Hansson (Paris-Cité, FR), national fellow. Anarchists histories in the UK.
Paul Kapp (Illinois university, US), fellow-in-residence. Architectural conservation.
Fumio Kurosaki (Tokyo university, JP), fellow-in-residence. Geography, railway operation.
Salma Lahbabi (ENSEM Casablanca, MA), fellow-in-residence. Localisation in non-linear models. 
Kontad Ounnunkad (Chaine Mai université, TH), fellow-in-residence. Chemistry of two-dimensional materials.
Kristina Roney (Washington and Lee university, US), Fulbright fellow. Balzac, society and the birth of modern finance.
Liang Peng (Georgia State university, IN), fellow-in-residence. Risk analysis.
Arab Saha (Calcutta university, IN), fellow-in-residence. Active matter.
W.M.C. Sameera (Colombo university, LK), fellow-in-residence. Chemistry of interstellar ice.
Dongsoo Shin (Santa Clara university, US), fellow-in-residence. Economics.
Mathias Winterhalter (Jacobs university, DE),  fellow-in-residence. Hybride nanopores.         

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