on May 31, 2024
Published on April 18, 2024 Updated on January 27, 2025

Workshop Gender and Family Economics

Venue: Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, Université Sorbonne Paris I

International workshop coordinated by Pauline Morault, CY THEMA laboratory.

The workshop will be jointly organized by the organizers of the Webinar in Gender and Family Economics and researchers specialized in these topics at CES at Paris 1. Indeed, we have wished to evolve the format of the webinar by now organizing two in-person workshops every academic year, bringing together experts in family and gender economics for a day. This one-day workshop will consist of 4 guest presentations from European faculties, followed by discussions. The workshop will be open to the public, who can attend in person as well as remotely, paying homage to the spirit of the webinar. This workshop will follow a first workshop of the same format organized on December 18, 2023, at CYU Cergy Paris University. For your information, the theme of this first edition is marriage, and the four presenters are Alison Andrew (University of Oxford), Matthew Curtis (University of Southern Denmark), Simon Weber (York University), and Giulia Tura (Bocconi). The theme of the second edition of the workshop has not yet been defined, but it may cover topics such as household decision-making processes, gender-based discrimination, fertility, and more.

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