from June 13, 2024 to June 14, 2024
Published on June 18, 2024 Updated on June 18, 2024

Liliane Giraudon. Polyphonic fragments

Venue: University of Chicago Center in Paris

International conference coordinated by Jean-François Puff, CY HERITAGES laboratory.

Liliane Giraudon is a French poet, who has been publishing since the late seventies. She is mainly the author of poetic works, but also explores other literary genres (such as theater or short stories) and experiments with hybrid forms (performance, drawing, and others). She participated to the journal Action Poétique, of main importance in the French poetic field, and has created small but major journals such as Banana Split. Liliane Giraudon is part of a generation of women poets arising in the eighties, in a field dominated by men : the question of gender identity and of social inequality in general are a central focus of her work. Giraudon is now gaining the national and international recognition she deserves.
This conference aims to manifest a first collective reading of this important oeuvre.

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