from December 10, 2024 to December 11, 2024
Published on October 21, 2024 Updated on October 21, 2024

Journée d’étude : Nombre et calcul à l’école

Salle 8029, Batiment Sophie Germain, Place Aurélie Nemours, Université Paris-Cité, 75013 Paris et en visioconférence

International conference coordinated by Christine CHAMBRIS of LDAR research center

In April 2024, the French Ministry of Education held a consultation on draft mathematics curricula for pupils aged 3 to 9. In response to this consultation, an expert report on Knowledge at the core of teaching and learning mathematics has been produced (Chambris, 2024). Despite the urgency of the situation that led to its production, the text reflects on didactic research and its potential implications for the development of a new curriculum.

This text has been favorably received by a variety of agents (teacher trainers, researchers from different backgrounds). Discussions about its content suggest that this text could help build a consensus around questions concerning the teaching and learning of school arithmetic (number, calculation, operations, arithmetic problem solving). Building such a consensus is, however, a long-term task.

With this in mind, French and foreign didactic researchers from a variety of theoretical backgrounds, who are specialists in these issues, have been approached and have responded favorably to the prospect of exchanges on the subject. The aim of the study days is to compare different works on the learning and teaching of arithmetic, and to bring out points of consensus and possible points of tension. It will culminate in the production of a collective book.