on September 27, 2024
Published on September 3, 2024 Updated on September 3, 2024

Flexibility, learning and motivation: A tribute to the work of Evelyne Clément

Venue: CY Cergy Paris Université, Gennevilliers site.

International symposium coordinated by Hippolyte Gros et Monica Macedo-Rouel, CY Paragraphe laboratory.

This symposium in tribute to the work of Evelyne Clément, Professor of Psychology at CY, who passed away suddenly in July 2023, will review the significant contribution of this researcher to the field of the Psychology of Learning. The symposium will feature contributions from researchers who have collaborated with Evelyne throughout her academic career, to sketch her scientific portrait and celebrate her many contributions. Each speaker will illustrate how the theories proposed by Evelyne Clément have contributed to their own reflections, and will aim to identify new avenues of research to continue guiding the psychology of learning towards new discoveries.

Free registration here