from July 15, 2024 to July 20, 2024
Published on May 23, 2024 Updated on May 23, 2024

Festival of Engineering

Venue: UCL, University College London

International festival organised at University Collège London

A round-table entitled "Sensing Forest" was organised on 1st March 2024 following the visit of Valério Signorelli, architect and UCL researcher CASA doctor lecturer, invited by the Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture Versailles as part of the CY Alliance programme run by CY Advanced Studies.
The discussion, in preparation for the Festival of Engineering project, focused on living systems at the interface of the digital and physical worlds.
The festival is aimed at future engineers, industrialists and more widely the general public. The aim is to showcase cutting-edge innovation, explain how to meet challenges and encourage people to think differently about the world around us.

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