on November 29, 2024
Published on September 3, 2024 Updated on September 3, 2024

Electron and spin dynamics in correlated systems

Venue: Maison Internationale de le Recherche, Neuville-sur-Oise.

International conference coordinated by Christine Richter, CY LPMS laboratory.
In 2024 the workshop will be in its 8th edition. This colloquium brings together experimentalists and theorists interested in experiments that study the dynamics of electrons and their spin. The idea is to allow the international scientific community to exchange on the subject, to stimulate collaborations and to attract new users of our experimental set-up when it is installed at ATTOlab.
Our laboratory, LPMS, is one of the partners of the ultra-fast laser installation, ATTOlab (http://attolab.fr/), built as part of Investments for Future (Equipex). The spectrometer (spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy) of the LPMS is installed on the SE10 beamline delivering attosecond pulses.
The workshop is organized during one day. The program consists of invited talks in order to stimulate informal discussions that continue during the coffee breaks and during the dinner that closes the workshop.
Previous editions have been marked by a strong international participation.