on October 21, 2024
Published on September 23, 2024 Updated on September 23, 2024

1st International Workshop on Edge Systems For Future Mobile Networks in conjunction with "The 20th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications"

Venue: Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris

International workshop coordinated by Lylia Alouache, ETIS laboratory.
Edge Computing, an umbrella term including in our workshop context ,\l\ultiAccess Edge Computing (MEC), Fog Computing and Cloudlet Computing, now seems essential for future communication architectures. lt will enable the development of new applications with significant constraints in terms of latency, computing capacity, bandwidth and energy. These include intelligent transportation, autonomous fleets (terrestrial, maritime or flying), smart energy management and pervasive environment for people or advanced BroadBand Mobile services (Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality). ln a context of highly evolving telecoms networks, due to the multiplication of radio access technologies (terrestrial - cellular, LPWAN, WiFi, etc. -and non-terrestrial - satellite) and the increasing computing capacity of terminais, the deployment potential of this technology is very high today.
The topics of interest of the First International Workshop on Edge Systems for Future Mobile Networks (Edge4Future) focuses on the Mobile Edge paradigm and target the various research domains spanning from the end-device to the edge servers, through the gateways linking them both. Central topics of interest include the design, implementation, and operation of these components and how they process data and communicate with each other.
Edge4Future aims to be an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers and industrials working on the development of solutions linked to Edge Computing, which today occupies an important place in future communications networks. ln 2024, Edge4Future will be organized in Paris in conjunction with the 20th IEEE WiMob conference the 21th of October. Edge4Future encourages the submission of original works describing research results, practical or industrial edge systems/solutions/frameworks. Papers describing advanced prototypes, platforms, techniques and general survey for discussing future perspectives and directions are also encouraged.