on May 11, 2023
Published on April 25, 2023 Updated on March 4, 2024

Gēmu: what is a "Japanese" video game

Venue: Maison Internationale des Langues et des Cultures, Lyon 7e

Conference coordinated by Grégoire Sastre, CY AGORA laboratory.

From the end of the XIXth century with the “Japonisme” and its well-known connoisseurs (Clemenceau, Monet), until now, we are receiving a steady stream of artistic and cultural products from Japan influencing meaningfully our knowledge, our artistic productions, and our world views. Among them Video Games became a centerpiece of which the importance is ever growing. Despite its cultural and economic weight, it is under studied in French academia even as each year more and more people are coming to the Japan Expo held in Villepinte where video games hold center stage.
This symposium, which will be held on the 11th of May 2023 at Lyon University aims at exploring the specificities of a “Japanese” video game or “à la japonaise” by defining its boundaries in several scientific fields such as History, economy, representations, sociology, etc…