Published on May 23, 2021–Updated on February 8, 2022
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Espace Mathématique Francophone – EMF 2018
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Seminar organised and coordinated by Christine Chambris from the center of research LDAR, laboratoire de didactique André Revuz from 22nd to 26th October, 2018 at Gennevilliers, on the UCP campus.
The Espace Mathématique Francophone (EMF) was set up to promote reflection and exchanges within the French-speaking world on the vital issues of mathematics education in our current societies, at primary, secondary and higher levels, as well as on issues relating to initial and in-service teacher training. EMF contributes to the development of a Francophone community rich in cultural diversity, around mathematics education at the crossroads of continents, cultures and generations. The working language of the EMF is French.
The EMF's scientific meetings, which have taken place every three years since 2000, are recognised as regional conferences of the International Commission on Mathematical Education (ICMI/ CIEM). They are addressed to the various stakeholders concerned with issues affecting mathematics education: mathematicians, researchers in mathematics education, trainers, teachers at different levels. Conference venues are chosen to respect geographical balance and encourage the participation of the widest possible Francophone community.
The project led by Maha Abboud (Full Professor, LDAR, UCP) and the Laboratoire de didactique André Revuz were selected by the EMF office to organize the 2018 edition of the conference. It will take place from 22nd to 26th October 2018 in Gennevilliers, on the UCP campus