Publié le 8 février 2024–Mis à jour le 13 février 2025
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Guest Lecture : José Carlos Rodriguez-Hernandez
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Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) studies on some key parameters of the microenvironment in cell cultures
José Carlos Rodriguez Hernandez est Jose Carlos Rodriguez est maîtres de conférences au département de thermodynamique appliquée de l'université technique de Valence, Espagne. Il est actuellement Fellow-in-Residence à CY AS, invité par ERRMECe.
There are different parameters (also called microenvironments in the literature) that influence the cell behaviour of an in vitro cell culture. These parameters, often introduced unconsciously into the assays, are crucial in explaining the observed cell behaviour and therefore important for the selection of materials for biomedical purposes. Some of them include topography of the samples on which the cell culture is performed (both at micrometric and nanometric scales), the chemistry of the surfaces (hydrophilicity versus hydrophobicity), different mechanical properties of the surface (stiffness, viscoelasticity), etc. There are different techniques that researchers use to assess the influence of those aforementioned microenvironments on cellular response. This work focuses on the use of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to test some of these parameters.
Date : 25 juin 2024 de 14h00 à 15h30
La guest lecture hybride est organisée en présence dans la salle de réunion H008 de la MIR à Neuville-sur-Oise et à distance sur Zoom.
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