le 28 mai 2024
Publié le 22 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 13 février 2025

Guest Lecture : Maria Herrero Herrero

New approach to skin cancer treatment

Maria Herrero Herrero is a Chemical Engineer from the Polytechnical University of Valencia (Spain). She graduated in 2016 doing a research work on electrospun membranes as drug delivery systems, in the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT).
After that, she started her PhD also at CBIT with Professor Ana Vallés Lluch. Her research was focused on the study of a three-dimensional system for indirect cell co-culture, by combining different polymeric structures. As a result of her research, she has published several articles in scientific journals.
During her doctorate she continued her training in her field, taking courses in spectrophotometric techniques (CFP-UPV), TEM microscopy (CFP-UPV) and nanoscience (UNED). Moreover, she co-supervised three Final Degree Projects, which obtained an excellent.
Her passion for teaching led her to collaborate with the Department of Thermodynamics of the same university, in the subjects of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering.
Finally, she is currently finishing her studies in pedagogy at the University of Valencia.

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with an incidence over 1M persons/year, high mortality, and a huge economic impact for our societies.

Depending on the cells on which the tumour stars, we can distinguish between non-melanoma cancers (basically, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) originated in the keratinocytes, and melanoma cancer originated in the melanocytes. According to this, melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer because it starts in deeper cells, and it is easy to spread causing metastasis. So, the treatment is highly related to the type of the cancer, being the standards, the use of surgery followed to chemo/radiotherapy to eliminate the remnants of the tumour, and finally the wound healing for the damaged tissue.

In this context, the use of different technologies combined in the same platform could improve treatment. Thus, we will explore the possibility of developing a dermal patch that allows dual treatment: cancer therapy using photothermal therapy (PTT), a promising new technique, and the wound healing.

  • Date : 28 mai 2024 de 14h à 15h30
    La guest lecture est organisée à distance uniquement, sur Zoom.
    Pour participer à la guest lecture, connectez-vous sur Zoom: https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/92134556999
    ID de réunion : 921 3455 6999
  • La vidéo sera publiée sur la chaîne YouTube de CY AS