le 18 avril 2023
Publié le 20 février 2023 Mis à jour le 4 mars 2024

Guest Lecture : Filippo Boeri


Natural disasters, automation and reshoring dynamics

Filippo Boeri est actuellement Fellow-in-Residence at CY AS, invité par l'ESSEC Business School, et Fellow en Economie et Géographie à la London School of Economics.

During the golden age of globalisation, the offshoring of manufacturing activities reshaped the world’s economic geography and deeply changed the production process of most tradable goods. However, since the financial crisis, the global economy has entered a new phase, characterised by stagnation of trade and foreign direct investment. Over the last few years, media and political movements in different countries have spread the idea that globalisation processes can be reversed, and that by doing so manufacturing jobs can be brought back home. Despite the significant anecdotal evince, empirical studies have found only a limited effect of reshoring dynamics on home economies. Moreover, foreign low-skilled manufacturing jobs could simply be replaced by domestic automation, with no relevant job creation.
In this lecture I will present new evidence on the propagation of idiosyncratic shocks across regions and industries trough international ownership networks, and discuss how exogenous divestment decisions lead to changes in firm skill composition and foster technological upgrade.

Date : 18 avril 2023 de 12h30 à 14h00

La guest lecture hybride est organisée en présence à l'Auditorium de la MIR à Neuville-sur-Oise et à distance sur Zoom.

Pour participer à la guest lecture à distance, connectez-vous sur Zoom : https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/95153713494

ID réunion : 951 5371 3494

La vidéo sera publiée sur la chaîne YouTube de CY AS