Publié le 9 janvier 2023–Mis à jour le 4 mars 2024
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Guest Lecture : Cédric Plesse
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Cédric Plesse photo
Smart electroactive Polymers that contract, expand, sense and self-heal
Cédric Plesse est professeur de chimie des polymères et directeur adjoint du Laboratoire de Physicochimie des Polymères et des Interfaces (LPPI) de CY Cergy Paris Université
Although organic polymers such as rubbers and ‘plastics’ are widely known to be electrical insulators, specific classes of polymeric materials can transport electrical charges and respond to electrical stimulation. On the opposite of classical, stiff, heavy and bulky actuation technologies such as electrical motors or thermal engines, these new classes of smart materials offer exciting possibilities of developing biomimetic precursors of soft artificial muscles, converting an electrical energy into a mechanical contraction. During this presentation, the development of such smart and soft polymeric materials will be presenting through the prism of macromolecular chemistry. Materials that can bend, contract, expand, sense and self-heal will be described for innovative applications in the fields of soft robotics, biomedical devices, microsystems and smart textiles.
Date: 7 février 2023 de 12h30 à 14h:00
La guest lecture hybride est organisée en présence à l'Auditorium de la MIR à Neuville-sur-Oise et à distance sur Zoom.
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