Publié le 26 octobre 2023–Mis à jour le 4 mars 2024
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Guest Lecture : Berk Talay
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Launching New Products During Recessions: Insights from the U.K. FMCG and U.S. Automobile Industries
Berk Talay est professeur au département du marketing, de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'innovation, Manning School of Business, Université du Massachusetts Lowell. Il est actuellement Fulbright Fellow à CY AS, invité par l'ESSEC Business School
In the landscape of economic downturns, a pressing question for businesses is the strategic timing of new product launches: Are products introduced during a recession likely to be more successful, and does the depth of the economic downturn influence these outcomes? Furthermore, is there a more favorable phase within a recession to launch a new product? These questions, fundamental to effective managerial decision-making, remain largely uncharted in contemporary marketing studies.
To bridge this gap, our study embarks on a detailed examination of two comprehensive datasets. First, we analyze 8,981 product introductions across 20 fast-moving consumer goods categories in the United Kingdom, spanning a period of 18 years. Second, we examine the historical trajectory of the United States automotive industry, analyzing 1,071 product launches over a 63-year timeframe.
The results reveal products launched (a) during a recession and (b) later rather than earlier in the recession survive longer, while more severe recessions are associated with shorter survival. This paper thus enriches marketing theory on recessions by conceptualizing and quantifying timing effects on new product launch success. For businesses, the insights drawn from this study emphasize the strategic merits of adopting a counter-cyclical approach to product launches during economic downturns.
Date : 5 décembre 2023 de 15h00 à 16h30
La guest lecture hybride est organisée en présence dans la salle de réunion H008 de la MIR à Neuville-sur-Oise et à distance sur Zoom.
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