le 19 mars 2024
Publié le 8 février 2024 Mis à jour le 13 février 2025

Guest Lecture : Aniket Mitra


Revisiting Paleogene through the migration pattern of Bivalvia

Aniket Mitra a obtenu son doctorat (2023) auprès de Presidency University en Inde. Il est actuellement chercheur post-doctoral Marie Skołodowska/EUTOPIA-SIF au sein de CY Cergy Paris Université et accueilli par le laboratoire GEC.

Bivalves spend juvenile larval stage of their life suspended in the water column. So, they are susceptible to disperse from one place to another with water current. The rest of their life is spent in one of four modes: burrowing, boring, cementing, or lying freely. As oceanic current is influenced by climate and tectonic changes thus any major geologic events are critical for migration of bivalve larvae through time.
Paleogene period, which lasted around 66Ma to 23Ma ago from now, witnessed a wide spectrum of geologic events ranging from Himalaya and Alps orogenesis, closure of the Tethys Sea, global warming, sea level fluctuations, Antarctic glaciation and global cooling. Palaeobiogeographic distribution pattern of marine bivalves have been analysed to see the effect of these above-mentioned events on the migration of bivalves. During the early Paleogene hyperthermal, shallow shelves in the northern hemisphere's temperate and equatorial zones witnessed an influx of new bivalve genera. They started to migrate to higher latitudes with increasing temperature. Northern equatorial current facilitated a strong generic similarity from east to west of Tethys, which was affected strongly due to Himalaya and Alps orogenesis and finally closure of the Tethys. Global cooling in the late Paleogene had much more adverse effect on the bivalve community. Not only a opposite migratory flow has been witnessed from higher to lower latitudes but also generic diversity was jeopardised to a large extent.

 Date: Mardi 19 mars 2024 de 14h00 à 15h30

La guest lecture hybride est organisée en présence dans la salle de réunion H008 de la MIR à Neuville-sur-Oise et à distance sur Zoom.
Pour participer à la guest lecture à distance, connectez-vous sur Zoom : https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/95833994431
ID réunion : 958 3399 4431

La vidéo sera publiée sur la chaîne YouTube de CY Advanced Studies