le 18 juin 2024
Publié le 21 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 6 juin 2024

Guest Lecture : Felipe Pereda

Goya, Women, Pornography and Terror

Born and raised in Madrid, Felipe Pereda taught at the Autónoma University and Johns Hopkins University and, since 2015, at Harvard University.

He has worked on Spanish art and architecture from the Late Middle Ages to the 18th century, with particular interest on the relation between the practice and theory of Images and the emerging world of Art. His books include La arquitectura elocuente (1999), El atlas del Rey Planeta (3rd. ed. 2003), Images of Discord. Poetics and Politics of the Sacred Image in 15th century Spain (Spanish ed. 2007; English translation, Harvey Miller, 2018) and Crime and Illusion: The Art of Truth in the Spanish Golden Age (Brepols-Harvey Miller, 2018). The latter defends the thesis that the fundamental problem artists of the Golden Age confronted was not imitation but Truth, exploring artists’ skeptical reflection on the problematic relationship of painting and sculpture to the art of truth.


  • Date : 18 juin 2024 de 14h à 15h30
    La guest lecture hybride est organisée en présence dans la salle de réunion H008 de la MIR à Neuville-sur-Oise et à distance sur Zoom.
    Pour participer à la guest lecture à distance, connectez-vous sur Zoom: https://cyu-fr.zoom.us/j/91813807363
    ID de réunion :  918 1380 7363
  • La vidéo sera publiée sur la chaîne YouTube de CY AS