Publié le 26 mai 2021–Mis à jour le 15 juillet 2022
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Electronic Transport and dynamics in graphene and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
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27.06.2019 - 28.06.2019
Maison Internationale de la Recherche, Neuville-sur-Oise, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Graphene isolation in 2004 and the subsequent rise of the related 2D materials family (Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, h-BN, phosphorene…) open up the way to novel high-performance electronic devices. One-atomic-layer-thick 2D materials can be artificially stacked nearly at will, creating complex heterostructures that combine the properties of each constituent. 2D materials are thus promising candidates on their own to develop new paradigms in (opto-)electronics but combining them could lead to even more exciting possibilities leading to unprecedented functionalities.
The workshop will focus on recent experimental and theoretical progress in the field of electronic transport and dynamics in these 2D nanomaterials:
2D materials monolayers
Stacking – junctions
Electronic, optical and magnetic properties of interfaces
Macroscale investigation of heterostructure in a device configuration
Electron and spin dynamics in correlated 2D systems
Guy Trambly de Laissardière, Andreas Honecker (LPTM – UCP/CNRS)
Christine Richter, Karol Hricovini, (LPMS – UCP)
Laurence Magaud (Institut Néel – CNRS)
Invited speakers:
Sunil Wilfred D’Souza, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Benjamin Grevin, INAC – CEA, Grenoble, France
Mauro Fanciulli, Attolab – LPMS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France