Publié le 15 avril 2022–Mis à jour le 20 janvier 2023
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e-Workshop : Thomas Fuchs
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Thomas Fuchs picture
Understanding Sophia? On human interaction with AI systems and robots
Le e-workshop est co-organisé par Alfonsina Scarinzi, professeure invitée dans le cadre de CY AS et par Thomas Fuchs, "Karl-Jaspers-Professor" dans le domaine des fondements philosophiques de la psychiatrie et chef de la section "Psychopathologie Phénoménologique et Psychothérapie" au département de Psychiatrie de l'Université de Heidelberg (Allemagne).
Against the backdrop of increasing similarity between robotic performance and human communication, the lecture explores the question of whether there can be shared meaning constitution and empathy in human-AI and human-robot interaction. It first describes the human tendency to anthropomorphize artificial agents and then analyzes the concept of understanding, which presupposes (a) the subjectivity of the counterpart, (b) shared feelings, (c) shared intentions or a "we-intentionality". Furthermore, the assumption of a possible subjectivity realized by future AI systems is rejected on the basis of an enactive account of consciousness. Finally, the risks of "digital animism" are pointed out, illustrated by the example of virtual or chatbot psychotherapy.
Date : 17 mai 2022 de 11h00 à 12h00
Le e-workshop est organisé à distance sur Zoom.
Pour participer au workshop à distance, connectez-vous sur Zoom :