Publié le 14 juin 2021 Mis à jour le 23 février 2022

Philippe Le Corre



Philippe Le Corre is a Research Associate at the Harvard Kennedy School, affiliated with both the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government. In addition, he is an Associate in Research with the John K. Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University and a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC. He was previously a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution and also served as an Adviser to the French Minister of Defense and as a Senior Policy Analyst on Northeast Asia in the French Ministry of Defense. He has taught at Sciences Po Paris, Inalco and Johns-Hopkins University. His research focuses on China’s global rise with a special interest in Chinese investment and influence in Europe and Eurasia. His last book is China’s Offensive in Europe (Brookings Institution Press, 2016). His work has also appeared in Asia-Europe Journal, Carnegie Working Papers’ series, China Economic Quarterly, Perspectives Chinoises, Etudes Revue de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques and in a recent edited volume, Rethinking the Silk Road (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2018).

Research project

While the Sino-American relationship continues to deteriorate, including on the trade front, Europe has become an economic playing field for China. Chinese Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Europe in the last decade may amount to over €300 billion. Following the 2008 financial crisis, China’s presence in Southern Europe has increased, especially with substantial investments in the fields of transport, energy and port infrastructures. It has not just been an opportunistic move, it also matches China’s strategy which includes a growing influence at the periphery of Europe, both inside and outside the European Union. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, this research project will examine China’s presence in Southern Europe, look at specific case studies and study how Europe has been responding to China’s assertive rise.


14 May 2020 - 2:00PM : e-Masterclass, in collaboration with CY|AS and ESSEC, on China and Europe: What Stakes in 2020

It will be live on Youtube and available to everyone: