Publié le 25 février 2022 Mis à jour le 30 avril 2023


Université du Québec à Montréal - Canada
Professeure invitée du laboratoire THEMA
Séjour du 21 avril au 5 mai 2022
Curriculum Vitae

Projet de recherche

Meanings and values of the relations between businesses and their multilevel context

This course explores the meanings and values of the relations between businesses and their multilevel context. Recent developments in businesses’ economic and socio-political settings as well as new risks and challenges posed by globalization have demonstrated the needs for their managers to adopt a different pattern of issue management and stakeholders management. This course will expose students to some of the global mega-trends, and more importantly, possible business solutions. Moreover, it will critically and constructively examine the role of businesses in society. Students will be introduced to key theoretical insights in the fields of Institutional Change, Business & Society, CSR, and Governance. Through interactive exercises, debates, team-project, and reflexive journal, the course will put students in the shoes of globalized businesses’managers whose ambition is to make responsible decisions that will benefit both businesses and their context.