from October 12, 2022 to October 13, 2022
Published on September 16, 2022 Updated on January 20, 2023

L’instruction en famille en France. Terrains inédits et regards renouvelés sur le homeschooling

Venue: La Maison Internationale de la Recherche (MIR), Neuville-sur-Oise

International conference coordinated by Philippe Bongrand, CY EMA laboratory

In the international scientific literature about home education, the French case as well as French scholarship have long been overlooked. Since 2018 though, a CY INEX and ANR funded research team have been investigating the topic in an unprecedented way. The conference concludes this research project by inviting scholars to discuss these French research designs and results. Two main questions are at stake: i) do French homeschooling and French scholarship differ with international homeschooling practices and studies? ii) do French research about home education contribute mainstream education research? The conference is linked with a book in progress, to be published in 2023.

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